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Top 10 high paying jobs in 2023

TOP 10 HIGHEST PAYING JOBS IN 2023. All over the world so many people are earning an average salary of $200,000. These all top 10 jobs pay an average salary in 6 figures. Many of the top paying jobs are in healthcare and require a Doctorate degree. 1. Anesthesiologists This job pays an average salary of $200,00 per year. It is a healthcare job that requires a Doctorate degree. The most famous anesthesiologists of the 20th century is Richard Novak with an average salary of $400,000. 2. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons This job pays an average salary of $200,000 per year. It is a healthcare job that requires a Doctorate degree. The most famous maxillofacial surgeon is Can Tokman with an average salary of $200,00. 3.0bstetrician and gynecologist This job pays an average salary of $200,000 per year. It is a healthcare job that requires a Doctorate degree. Nawal Nour is the most famous obstetrician and gynecologist with an average salary of $300,000. 4. Surgeon This job pays the lo

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